Tag Archives: proxy war

The Shameful Way that the American Empire Is Ending

By Eric Zuesse Source: The Duran The American empire — which is now the largest empire in history — is ending not only with defeats on every front, but with the historically profound stigma of being one of the two perpetrators (the other and … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, culture, Deep State, Dystopia, Empire, Geopolitics, History, imperialism, Militarization, military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, news, propaganda, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, Technocracy, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

War Propaganda Intensifies as US Mainstream Media Calls for War on Iran to Stop the “Axis of Resistance”

By Timothy Alexander Guzman Source: Silent Crow News Remember when the mainstream media especially FOX News was calling for an attack on Iraq because Saddam Hussein and the Bath Party was developing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs)?  FOX News was … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, conditioning, corporate news, culture, Deep State, Empire, Geopolitics, History, imperialism, media, Media Literacy, Militarization, military-industrial complex, Neocons, news, propaganda, Psy-ops, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, Technocracy, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

US-British Attacks on Yemen a Portent for Wider War

By Brian Berletic Source: New Eastern Outlook In the opening weeks of 2024, the US and British unilaterally launched several large-scale missile and air strikes on targets in territory held by Ansar Allah (referred to as the “Houthis” across the … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, culture, Deep State, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military-industrial complex, Neocons, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Western War Machine is in Panic Mode

By Salman Rafi Sheikh Source: New Eastern Outlook The sheer inability of the collective West to force Russia into submission in Ukraine plus the fast-changing global opinion about the West in the context of the latter’s support for Israel’s brutal … Continue reading

Posted in culture, Deep State, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military spending, military-industrial complex, NATO, news, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, Sociology, State Crime, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


By Lucas Leiroz Source: South Front In 2023, the West was unable to contain the advance of multipolarity. Despite continuing to finance aggression against Russia and fomenting chaos in several regions to avoid the geopolitical transition process, the US and … Continue reading

Posted in black ops, Deep State, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military spending, military-industrial complex, multipolarism, NATO, Neocons, news, Psy-ops, society, State Crime, Technocracy, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

West Admits Ukraine is Losing Proxy War

By Brian Berletic Source: New Eastern Outlook After nearly 2 years of portraying the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as unfolding in Kiev and the collective West’s favor, a sudden deluge of admissions have begun saturating Western headlines noting that Ukraine … Continue reading

Posted in culture, Deep State, Dystopia, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military spending, military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ukraine Fatigue Is Worrying NATO Elites – and So They Should Be

On both sides of the Atlantic, there is now discernible fatigue and anger among citizens over NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. By Finian Cunningham Source:Information Clearing House On both sides of the Atlantic, there is now discernible fatigue … Continue reading

Posted in culture, Deep State, elites, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military spending, military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Psy-ops, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

US Stretched Thin as Ukraine Offensive Fails, Israelis Threaten Large-Scale Conflict

By Brian Berletic Source: New Eastern Outlook As Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” nears five months of intense fighting and equally intense losses achieving only negligible gains, Kiev’s sponsors in Washington, London, and Brussels find their military stockpiles nearing depletion and their … Continue reading

Posted in culture, Deep State, Empire, Geopolitics, imperialism, Militarization, military spending, military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, news, Psy-ops, Social Control, Social Engineering, society, State Crime, war | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment